Chocolate Allergy

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Chocolate Bar

Chocolate causes a range of adverse reactions. Symptoms of a chocolate allergy are usually mild, but in some cases, someone can experience a life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis. It is very serious, and for some people, the only way to avoid these problems is to avoid chocolate.

However, true chocolate allergies are quite rare. If you experience adverse symptoms after you eat chocolate, it is more likely that you are allergic to another ingredient in the chocolate, or that you suffer from a chocolate intolerance.

An intolerance is a reaction of your gastrointestinal system rather than your immune system, and it is a reaction to an ingredient or chemical in the chocolate, rather than the protein in the chocolate. Some of the chemicals in chocolate are soy lecithin, tyramine, phenylethylamine, theobromine, caffeine, flavorings, and emulsifiers.

The top eight food allergens are eggs, milk, soy, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish. Several of these ingredients are very common in chocolate bars, cakes, brownies, puddings, and more. If you react when you eat chocolate, it is probable that you are allergic to one of these major allergens. However, it’s important to get a proper diagnosis from a board-certified allergist.

Chocolate Allergy Symptoms

  • Migraines
  • Heartburn
  • Cramps
  • Swelling
  • Cough
  • Itching, hives, or chocolate allergy rash
  • Anaphylaxis

If you experience the above symptoms after eating chocolate, contact one of our NYC allergists. We provide chocolate allergy testing to confirm your allergy. Other symptoms that may arise after eating chocolate are diarrhea, indigestion, and bloating. These are due to a chocolate intolerance. Symptoms of an intolerance will subside on their own, but medication can help you feel better faster.

Whether you suffer from a chocolate allergy or intolerance, you should avoid foods with chocolate. We provided a chocolate allergy food list to help you navigate through this allergy.

Chocolate Allergy Foods to Avoid

Candy Baked goods Packaged snacks Ice cream
Pudding Chocolate-covered fruit Crepes and pancakes Packaged snacks

Companies aren’t required to label chocolate on packaged goods. However, chocolate is rarely a hidden ingredient. This makes it easy to identify chocolate in certain foods. Contact a food allergy doctor for a complete list of chocolate foods to avoid.

Chocolate Allergy Diagnosis

Drinking hot chocolate or eating a brownie is NOT the way to test for a chocolate allergy or intolerance. The only way to diagnose a chocolate allergy is to be tested by an allergist. Your allergist may suggest a blood test or a food challenge. A blood test for allergies measures Immunoglobulin E (IgE), an antibody that your immune system develops in reaction to a specific allergen.

During a food challenge, you will be asked to eat a small amount of chocolate in a clinical setting only. Food allergies can be severe, so you must be around a board-certified allergist during this test. They will keep an Epipen or Auvi-Q nearby in case you experience a severe chocolate allergy reaction.

Your allergist may also perform a chocolate allergy patch test or skin prick test to rule out other food allergies that are a common ingredient in chocolate-based foods, such as milk and eggs. Milk and egg allergies can be severe, so a proper diagnosis is necessary.

Chocolate Allergy Treatment

Treatment for allergies begins with avoidance. If you’re allergic to chocolate, refrain from eating chocolate and its byproducts. Your allergist will also prescribe an epinephrine auto-injector that you should carry with you.

For less severe allergies, such as itching and hives, try over-the-counter treatment options. Cortisone creams can help with inflammation of the skin. Antihistamine pills also help with mild reactions.

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If you are concerned about a chocolate allergy, the allergists at NY Allergy & Sinus Centers are here to help.  NYASC has access to the latest testing & treatments and we offer seven convenient offices throughout NYC to help you find relief for your asthma, nasal and sinus problems, ENT (ear, nose, and throat) symptoms, respiratory allergies, and skin conditions.  We see pediatric and adult patients. Please call 212-686-6321 to book your appointment.